Chapter 647 Fucking Awesome:>>Ep41
- I didn't get the treatment long, as Beth started moving downward. As she neared my cock, she gently pressed it aside, not touching it otherwise. She drilled into my navel with her tongue, then kept licking downward in crossing strokes, until she reached the root of the matter and I felt the warmth of her breath being exhaled gently over my balls.
- Then her hand, which had been gently pressing my cock away at an angle, turned and grasped me. She pointed me in her direction and laid just the tiniest, briefest kiss on my tip, followed after agonizing delay by the most delicate of licks. Beth set to teasing the fuck out of me, just barely touching me in a different way, in a different place with each contact. And she varied the times in between, so I never was ready for it when it came.
- At last, I had to beg a little. "For crying out loud, Beth," I groaned. "You are killing me here. Please?"